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TagMeter Systems is an Innovator. We create and invent new solutions, new products and new ways of metering


Improve Products or Invent New Products
Never stop thinking about how to do things better or smarter



Start with small and simple systems and gradually grow to bigger and more complex installations

  • Desalination Equipment
    Desalination Equipment
    Desalination Equipment

    TagMeter Systems is supplying Desalination Equipment for producing drinking water from brackish or salinated/salty/sea water. We are doing that using Nano-Filtration and Reverse Osmosis. Also remineralization of the near end product is possible. It is like a water factory in a rig from 50 tpd up to 500 tpd per rig. Rigs can be placed in a container and they can be connected to each other in order to produce larger volume end product per day.

    Read more: Desalination Installations

  • Utrasonic Water Meter with AMR and IoT Cloud connection
    Utrasonic Water Meter with AMR and IoT Cloud connection
    Ultrasonic Water Meter (model DJWM85 or SextoTM)

    If you are looking for a high tech alternative for conventional metering then our DJWM85 or SextoTM meter is a very good choice. This meter is an Ultrasonic Water Meter without integrated valve but with all benefits of ultrasonic metering with latest technology. AMR or Automatic Meter Reading is possible via several ways i.e. LoRa, LoRaWAN, GPRS and NB-IoT. Of course this meter also has an optical port which you can use for reading out metering data.

    Read more: Ultrasonic Water Meter

  • CFM32 CashFlow Management System
    CFM32 CashFlow Management System
    CFM32 CashFlow Management System

    CFM32© is an application running locally on your Microsoft Windows PC or Laptop. It is the interface between you and the IoT-Cloud/Backoffice for IoT-driven Water Meters, either prepaid meters or postpaid meters. CFM32© is also used for reading in metering information from our Tags and for placing newly purchased credits onto the Tags.

    With CFM32© it is you who is in control of your CashFlow.

    Read more: CFM32 CashFlow Management System

  • LimeBreaker Descaler
    LimeBreaker Descaler
    LimeBreaker Descaling Equipment

    TagMeter Systems has a series of equipment to treat forming lime or scaling in your installation or household. Our equipment induces a varying and complex electromagnetic field around a pipeline. The strength of the generated fields that needs to be generated depends on the type of installation. For instance a domestic/residential purpose requires a different characteristic compared to industrial appliances.
    Soon more will be published but you can already enquire information about LimeBreaker via our Contact Form.

    Read more: LimeBreaker Descalers

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